Mini-E Books or ME-BooKs, as I prefer to call them, are my way of giving you a small version of the real thing for your preview. You can download it now and read it on your device at your leisure.
Each ME-BooK contains the first 3 Chapters of my current offerings as I target October 2015 as the publishing date for OCHRE, which is still subject to my final whims.
The full sized versions are available from all major E-Book distributors from Amazon and Apple through Barnes and Noble, Kobo Books, Smashwords etc etc.
Look for a special introductory offer on OCHRE if ordered in advance as the normal price, which is still a steal, will apply after publication.

BOOK 1 of the CATALYSIS trilogy
Just Click the above link for
your CATALYSIS - Mini-EBook
or ME-Book 3 Chapter Preview

Just Click the link above for your
OCHRE - Mini-EBook or ME-BOOK
3 Chapter preview

Just Click the link above for your
Book of Plebs - Mini-EBook or ME-Book
3 Chapter Preview.