Friday, 10 March 2017

Fanore - A Gift to You


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Fanore is a very real place but this is not a guide book for tourists. It is the first Novella of my 'Thin Places' Series. If you don't know what a 'Thin Place' is, you are in good company, because no one knows for sure. You see, there is no accepted definition of what they are, but we do know some of what they do. They exist primarily in wilderness areas and through them, we can paradoxically gauge our significance to this reality by the extent of our insignificance or helplessness inside it. If we yield to them, we can receive the gift of temporary insights into the moment beyond the present and into a tomorrow filled with all possibilities. Some people report insights and even experiences of moments long past, so we know that time seems to be in flux around them.

This power to enhance our sixth sense isn't constant but seems to wax and wane to some metaphysical almanac along with our ability and/or willingness to tap into it. Ancient philosophers have for thousands of years told us of the duality in, or the Yin and Yang aspect to everything. That means that physicality must also have its opposite metaphysical reality. All of reality, or the extended reality, must therefore be made of both and 'Thin Places' are where we can sense aspects of both.

The suggestion is that the membrane which surrounds our physical reality from the rest of it, is stretched thin in these places and hence the name. I personally believe that our dual reality is what is contained against the vastness of infinity, because logically, infinity can be the only source of all possibilities. Thin places therefore, would be where these possibilities come but also go. 

This novella takes a look at what might be going on to make this particular 'Thin Places' so apparently thin. The Wild Atlantic Way along Ireland's West Coast seems to have quite a few of these 'Portals' and that is why I chose to start in Fanore, which is right in the middle. Each story will be as unique as the place it is set. Instead of chapters, each book has Acts, which are presented like a small play. The purpose of this is to get the reader involved in the scenes as quickly and as thoroughly as possible. The reader should succumb to suggestion just as the observer succumbs to the power of the 'Thin Place' ambience.

The events of Fanore take place within a small area of North County Clare, but time seems to be what makes this particular location so thin, so you will have to establish that aspect for yourself. Fanore is part of the Burren area of County Clare and I do appreciate that not all thin places are Irish, but this one has a distinctly Irish flavour.

I hope you enjoy it enough to revisit my Blog/Site/Facebook Page to follow my progress and hopefully to look at my other, much bigger books that will take you so much further away from your daily cares.

Please oblige with feedback and I will be guided by your comments as I decide which turn to take on my own particular road. More mega Science Fiction/Fantasy / Spirituality / or this quirky brand of Fiction.

Thanks for stopping by.