Thursday, 10 June 2021

Return to Tir na n'Og


This is my latest title. Just click on the cover to visit my site and then click on the bigger cover to get your virus free 5 Chapter EPUB e_Book preview and enjoy.

That done, why not go to my home page to see what else is going free.

What's this book about? You'll get the full synopsis when you follow the link but in a nutshell:- 

1. Don't assume Covid-19 has gone away. 

2. Because global warming took a back seat during the pandemic but doesn't mean that it has gone away either. 

3. You might need a small appreciation of Northern Irish accents and humour or the lack of it because the first character you meet is young Aaron Maxwell, who has miraculously survived four years of chaos and now he needs to move on ... but to where?

Thursday, 7 January 2021

Blaming January is Pleading Guilty as Charged.


Hello friend and yeah, 

it's got a wind chill factor that cuts like a knife to the bone no matter what we wear but it's not unbearable. January is its own solution by demanding a welcome as the inevitable arc of a cycle that life itself or Destiny designed.
Hating January invites it to last forever. Think of it like July when Mom says we should enjoy our greens and our fruits because otherwise they'll spoil and be wasted.

Happy New Year.